Tiger Hill
Merlot Shiraz

This wine offers distinctive red fruits aromas reminiscent of dark Plum and cherries and slight touch of vanilla notes and black pepper on palate well supported by sweet and elegant tannins. Wine has distinctive balance between sugar, alcohol and acidity.

Gastronomy :
Wine pairs well with slow braised Lamb shanks meat balls, Chholay Bhatura and noodles.

Technical Information :
Alcohol degree : 12.50%
Sugar : 5 gms/litre
Acidity : 3.75 gms/litre
Brix during Harvest : 24

Fermentation :
With the skin at 250-30ÂșCelsius in stainless steel tanks with daily pumping over of juice for maximum extraction of colour and tannins.

Producer : Oniv Beverages Pvt Limited
Name : Tiger Hill Merlot Shiraz
Type of wine : Dry Red Wine
Varietal : Merlot Shiraz
Origin : Sahayadri Valley